Department 13 - Mesmer® Counter-drone System

Mitigating a Drone Swarm (multiple drones) Attack

Informational Video Demo 1080p (1:00)

One Drone can be a significant threat - but a multiple drone attack (Drone Swarm Attack) becomes a greater threat!

Drone Swarm Identification/Classification/Mitigation

Mesmer® uses multiple layers of blind adaptive analysis to identify a drone’s type and radio protocol. When Mesmer® detects a previously unidentified drone or drones, it identifies the drone’s modulation type, format, and other signal information that may be used to redirect the drone. The analysis characterizes signals, identifies radio networks, and performs a threat assessment. A tactical response includes protocol manipulations that exploit vulnerabilities in an enemy’s radio network. Messages may be intercepted, service may be denied, and the network may be penetrated as part of a broader system infiltration strategy.

Detecting and communicating with a large number of drones can quickly overload the processing capability of a centralized system. But when different radio processing operations are implemented in software and spread across a network, a system can dynamically add more sensors and processors to adapt to a changing threat scenario. A virtual Distributed Software Defined Radio (SDR) can be assigned to each targeted drone and then migrate between processors and sensors to follow the drone as it moves through a network and mitigate the attack by redirecting the swarm of drones.