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Social Support Community, Colón, Panamá(2016)
(Apoyo Social al Comunidad, Colón, Panamá)

As in past years, in January 2016, Phoenix Group delivered canastas (large baskets), a bag of Christmas gifts, and cash donation to each of 4 families. The baskets held can, bags, and boxes of rice and foods for several meals - including a frozen turkey for Christmas dinner (they have to cook it now because no one has a freezer and most do not have electricity). One of the families, a single pregnant woman with some 6 small kids, lives in a zinc shack about a mile back a steep dirt road in the mountains (good exercise). Our female employees pitched-in and bought a basinet and filled it with "new born" supplies. Another home was of an elderly couple that has a son who had open heart surgery a couple weeks ago (and cannot work). The remaining two families were similar to the first home - one a single Mom with lots of kids and the other a Grandmother who was left raising numerous grandkids. Everyone was happy and thankful and it was very heart-warming for us.