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Fiestas de la "Dia de Los Tres Reyes" (Three Kings Day) "Frijolito", near Colón (Atlantic side of Panamá)

Fiestas de la "Dia de Los Tres Reyes" (Three Kings Day) "Frijolito", near Colón(Atlantic side of Panamá). Phoenix Group last of our 3 Kings Day Parties in "Frijolito". In the first photo you can see the terrain and one of the village's houses - and "out house" as there is no inside plumbing. The second photo shows two of our folks from the Colon office setting-up for the party in the one-room school. Yes, the only school has a single room and one teacher for the kids. All grades are taught simultaneously. The third photo is one of the guys preparing to connect a wire to the main power line on the street, as the school had no electricity to run the popcorn and cotton candy machines or the Moon Bounce. Thankfully, no one was electrocuted and the only causality was the popcorn machine, which blew-out with the initial jolt of electricity. The remaining photos are of the kids playing, collecting candy from the fallen piñata, and receiving their Christmas gift. A good time for all.